When you are due to appear for a Music Director interview, you have to make some effort to be prepared for it when the time comes.
Often, we tend to take interviews for granted, erroneously believing that we can ace them in a second since we have successfully managed to reach this stage.
That is so not true – you cannot ace an interview by not preparing for it.
To practice for an interview for a music director position, refer to the set of questions and answers below:
Music Director Interview Questions and Answers
1. What does music mean to you?
Well, it may seem clichéd but music is my way of life. It has held great meaning for me ever since the first day I discovered my love for it. My entire life revolves around music, which is why I decided to take it up as a career as well.
2. As a music director, what have been your primary duties?
While working as a music director, I have been providing support in determining music requirements for events and productions, creating compositions and writing lyrics, auditioning and acquiring talent for different types of events, directing bands and groups at rehearsals, arranging event locations, and arranging for music scores and their licenses to be used for different events.
3. Do you think that a person can be trained as a musician, or does it come from within?
I believe that the talent for music does come from within, but you do have to polish it through well-placed training.
4. What is your most accomplished feat till now?
As a music director, I have a lot of achievements to my name, but the one that I am most proud of is the background score and title song that I have composed, written lyrics for, and directed for an upcoming Hollywood movie. This should put me on the talent map!
5. What are your criteria for choosing the right kind of people for an ensemble?
When I am in my talent hunt mode, my main focus is on first determining what the requirements for an ensemble or event are. Once I am fully aware of them, I pick, choose and test musicians, performers, and soloists to determine what they have to offer. As soon as I hear a “clicking sound”, I know I have the right people to engage.
6. What is the one thing that you want to do, which will give you a great professional high?
Ideally, I would love to work for theater or provide direction to a Hollywood musical, based in modern times.