The way you answer each interview question aimed at you is what decides how successful you are as a potential employee for an organization.
Interviewers are sometimes quite harsh in judging interviewees but it is all for a good cause.
When you are sitting across the table from an interviewer, you must remember that the only reason he or she is being harsh is that he or she wants to hire the perfect employee.
Be the perfect employee that employers look for. Once you are mentally prepared for the process, you may go through the following set of interview questions and answers to help you through:
Learning Support Coordinator Interview Questions and Answers
1. What is your modus operandi for determining the additional learning support needs of a student?
I follow protocol to assess each identified student on the basis of what they lack and how much intervention is required. Talking to them and their family members can unearth a lot of information required to determine what their specific learning requirements are.
2. What’s the next step after determining what an identified student requires in terms of learning support?
The next step is to coordinate efforts with teachers and staff members to formulate correlating support plans, create individualized plans for intervention, and then ensure that these plans are properly executed.
3. As far as actual intervention is concerned, where does a learning support coordinator stand?
A learning support coordinator creates programs and ensures their implementation, leaving the rest up to the teachers to execute. However, there are times when one has to be physically involved in the process, especially in cases that require special attention.
4. What has been your most successful case so far?
I have come across many challenging cases during the 9 years that I have worked as a learning support coordinator. One such challenge was determining the special education needs of a child who was not vocal at all. And since the parents weren’t very communicative either, it was a task to determine what he required in terms of additional support. But it all fell into place when the school acquired additional counseling for the child.
5. What is the one main aim that you have while working in this role?
It might seem clichéd but I look forward to a future where no student’s additional or special learning needs are ignored, and each student is perfectly on a page with his or her contemporaries.
6. How do you intend to make this possible?
It is not an impossibility to do this if you work hard towards the goal. I intend to indulge in extensive outreach programs to first get people to understand that additional and/or special needs must be taken into account. And then do all that is required to ensure the success of what I want to do.