Cashier Associate Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: June 21, 2017

Your cover letter essentially provides an insight into your worth as a possible cashier associate. When you write a cover letter, it is important for you to make sure that your best side is concentrated on. Mostly, candidates concentrate on writing about their work experience rather than their skills, killing the whole point of writing a cover letter.

A cashier associate cover letter is never about your experience – in fact, it is all about your skills and competencies as they relate to your experience in a certain capacity. While you can mention how experienced you are, it is best to let your resume take care of this part of the work.

Cover letters for cashier associate resume need to have a certain quality to them. They need to be written after much research pertaining to the company and the position for which you are applying. Your letter is what will get you to the interview stage, so make it worth the hiring manager’s while.

Below is a sample that you can use:


Cashier Associate Cover Letter Sample


25 Hamilton Dr
Stamford, CT 58477

June 21, 2017

Mr. Kevin Trent
Human Resource Manager
3200 Fishing Avenue
Stamford, CT 06932


Dear Mr. Trent:

Having recently worked as a cashier associate at The Marketplace of Tri, I am more than well-prepared to work in a similar capacity at Macy’s. Fully comprehending the fact that Macy’s hires the best in employees as high-end customer services is important to the company, I offer my skills in efficiently handling both complex and standard POS systems with great competence.

Throughout my career, I demonstrated expertise in handling cash and credit card transactions, assisting customers in locating their choice of products, and making informed buying decisions. Since I have worked in both cashier associate and sales associate capacities (as part of an intense rotation program), I will be a credit to you in both these areas.

I reduced cash drawer discrepancies by a staggering 65%, by introducing a “check each transaction” system. This effort did not only reduce discrepancies, but also proved to be invaluable in ensuring that the cash drawer was balanced in a consistent manner throughout the day. Moreover, I was responsible for introducing the concept of “green bagging”, helping the organization qualify as a green company.

Anticipating to meet with you in person to further build up on this, I will contact your office soon. Until then, I can be reached on the number given below if you require further information.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you to schedule a personal interview.




Hermione Wesley

(000) 362-5274