Before you begin writing a cover letter for that very appealing bank customer service representative position that you have just seen in the newspaper, see if you have all the information at hand. What information will you need?
First of all, you need to see if the company that is hiring has a pet peeve that it would like to you to write your cover letter according to. Read the job description carefully.
Does it say that the employer wants your cover letter to be a certain font size and possess a specific format?
If yes, do exactly as they say.
If the focus is not the format, then reread the job description. Take notes and make comparisons. Do you have all that is being asked for? Yes? Great!
Read it once more to make sure. If you are missing a few points in the qualifications or experience section, do not fret. You can still make it. How? By making sure that your cover letter is brilliantly written.
You cannot write just anything in a cover letter. “Anything” will not do. The content of your cover letter has to be unique. This is because you are bound to face a lot of competition, and it will help your case if you do not undermine your capabilities. Be proactive – brag a little.
Here is a cover letter sample for a bank customer service representative to help you with the bragging:
Bank Customer Service Representative Cover Letter Sample
Jane Houston
652 New Street
White River Junction, VT 20141
(000) 777-7777
jane @ email . com
April 21, 2018
Ms. Sarah Cooper
Manager Human Resources
National Penn Bank
100 Bridge Street
White River Junction, VT 22228
Dear Ms. Cooper:
In today’s economy of domestic and global competition and a decrease in clients’ conviction in financial services, you need a customer service representative with a vision and scope to help your bank create bridges with new clients and bring them aboard National Penn Bank. I offer this vision and scope.
With over five years’ track record of working for big names such as Bank of America and Broadway Bank, I am “exceptional customer service personified.” Some of my virtues are listed here for your convenience:
• Demonstrated expertise in appropriately determining clients’ needs and proactively educating them about the benefits of opening an account with the bank and taking advantage of auxiliary services.
• Documented success in assisting associates in the attainment of quarterly sales and service goals.
• Proficient in recognizing and soliciting new business opportunities and converting “probables” into “possibles” through dedicated marketing initiatives.
I look forward to meeting with you to answer any questions you may have and to provide you with additional information to supplement what appears on my resume. I will be available at (000) 777-7777 if you need to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jane Houston
Enc: Resume