You know that you are a skilled individual but a prospective employer will not have this information. How do you get this vital piece of information across to him? The resume.
This document can contain information regarding your skills and qualifications. But how you present this information in a resume makes it worth the employer’s time.
Placing skills information in a senior admin assistant resume can be tricky. What is right and what isn’t needs to be clear in your head before you venture here.
An employer will always compare what you have written to what he said his requirements were in an advertisement. If the difference between the two is vast, there is very little chance that you will get to the interview stage.
However, if you have been intelligent enough to see what type of skills a hiring manager is looking for (by referring strictly to the advertisement where all this information is present), you will be able to come up with a killer skills section.
Always remember that it is your skills that will decide to hire you easy for a hiring manager. And here is how you can place your skills on your resume:
Sample Qualifications and Skills for Senior Administrative Assistant Resume
- Verifiable track record of creating and implementing filing and record-keeping systems, to ensure constant and consistent data integrity and safety.
- Effectively handles appointment scheduling and calendar management duties with a special focus on ensuring timely follow-up.
- Well-versed in organizing, hosting, and facilitating corporate activities such as meetings, conferences, and annual events.
- Deep familiarity with preparing memos outlining and explaining procedures and policies to staff members.
- Effectively able to compose routine correspondence such as letters, emails, and notices.
- First-hand experience in preparing materials for corporate events such as invitations, guest lists, and RSVPs.
- Proficient in gathering and analyzing information, data, and reports and ensuring that all information is appropriately presented to the management.
- Proven track record of effectively assisting with project management duties, and following up with key business leaders to ensure conformance to strategic aims.
- Exceptionally talented in assisting with budget forecast preparation and strategic initiatives.
- Able to liaise with external and internal agencies while placing a special focus on aligning functions with established standards.
- Highly experienced in preparing financial, statistical, and operational reporting, in a bid to assist in evaluating business performance.