How to be successful in a preschool teacher assistant interview?
You will possibly not miss out on another job opportunity if you follow the 5 instructions provided below:
1. Be prepared to answer the questions of the specific employer. You can do so by reading the Preschool Teacher Assistant job description properly and thoroughly.
2. Do not ask questions unless you have been given specific instructions.
3. Dress to impress.
4. Reach on time, even if the interviewer is running late and you have to wait.
5. Never state your salary requirements unless you have been specifically asked to.
All five above make you appear professional – professionalism is the prime need of an employer and you cannot compromise on it. Interviews are not just questions and answers – there is so much more to them.
From the time that you enter an interviewer’s office to the time that you leave, you are constantly being judged. This information should not make you uncomfortable – it should give you the incentive to work towards bettering yourself for the interview procedure.
On to the questions and answers now. Here are a few questions (and possible answers) for a preschool teacher assistant position that you might be interested in:
Preschool Teacher Assistant Interview Questions and Answers
1. What qualifies you as a preschool teacher assistant?
As far as education is concerned, I have recently obtained certification in teaching preschool students. I have a passion for working with young children as I can relate to them on different levels. By nature, I am patient, compassionate and nurturing, all of which are great qualifications to work as a preschool teacher assistant.
2. Being a preschool teacher assistant is not an easy job. Not everyone can do it. Why did you choose to become one?
Possessing a natural love for children, preschool teaching is the only expected career course for me.
3. How do you handle adversity within a preschool classroom?
I like getting into the nitty-gritty of situations. But adversities involving children require immediate action, so I usually try to handle them by employing patience and ensuring child safety first. Once the situation has been handled, I delve into what transpired so that similar situations do not occur again.
4. In an assistantship role, what do you feel is the most important aspect that a preschool teacher assistant imparts to a child?
Education is not only about teaching the written word. There is so much more than this requires. Preschool teachers are responsible for creating positive adults. They mold entire generations. I believe that the most important aspect is the influence that they have on children, which makes them forward-thinking and practical individuals.