Typically, letters of interest are written to express your will to work for a company.
In essence, they are just like cover letters; the only difference is that they are not written in response to a job advertisement. Letters of interest are accompanied by resumes same like cover letters.
Educational Assistant Letters of interest may be written if an individual wants to work for a specific school and would like to show their interest.
For an educational assistant position, a letter of interest will chart out your skills and experience regarding the position.
You may provide information on your ability to develop and nurture learning environments and assist in classroom instruction.
Related: Educational Assistant Cover Letter Sample
That following is a sample letter of interest for an educational assistant position:
Sample Letter of Interest for Educational Assistant Job
Cassie Rowland
(000) 524-9565
October 25, 2019
Ms. Courtney Henderson
Athens Public Schools
7192 Brendon Oaks Road
Athens, GA 21027
Dear Ms. Henderson:
I am writing to inquire if there are any vacancies for educational assistants anticipated for the academic year 2020 at Athens Public Schools. In December, I will attain my educational assistant certification and would like to start contributing immediately.
Previously, I managed grades 1 and 2 at the Grove Elementary School in a teaching aide role. Through this experience, I have had the opportunity to observe and learn from lead teachers as they work with small groups of elementary school students.
Due to my strong background in elementary teaching, I was entrusted with coordinating and supervising the summer camp for students at the elementary level this year. This program involved curriculum development and lesson implementation, which developed my knowledge of handling and implementing elementary programs, which I believe is a huge plus in my career.
My resume is atached with this letter for your perusal. Thank you for taking out the time to read this letter, and I look forward to working in a child-centered environment such as Athens Public Schools.
Cassie Rowland