Teacher Resignation Letter from a School District

Updated on: March 14, 2021

Have you decided to resign from the current school district you are working for? Well, it’s time to write a professional resignation letter.

The process might be emotionally upsetting due to the natural affiliation with students. However, resigning formally is very important and it ensures a smooth transition from one position to another.

Teacher resignation letter writing is perhaps more crucial than a job cover letter writing since the terms on which you leave one district will pretty much affect your future position.

When writing a resignation letter, professionalism is the key; even if you feel bitter due to some reason, stick to courtesy and etiquette, leave on good terms.

How to write a Professional Teacher Resignation Letter from a School District?

A resignation letter must necessarily mention your last working date and it must also communicate that you value whatever you learned and gained during your tenure.

You may or may not include the reason for leaving the job, though it is quite common, yet not a compulsory element of any resignation.

As part of the courtesy protocol, you might want to mention that you will stick around to train your replacement to ensure a smooth transition.

Sample Teacher Resignation Letter from a School District

March 14, 2021

Ms. Lenny James
ABC School, District 93
677 Literacy Block
Chicago, IL 43221

Dear Ms. James:

I am writing this letter to inform you regarding my decision to resign from my current position as a Teacher from ABC School, District 93. My resignation will be effective from March 28, 2021.

Although I have had a pleasurable experience at ABC School and learned a lot from seniors, co-workers, and students, some family obligations require me to relocate immediately.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your mentoring as well as the exceptional teamwork spirit demonstrated by my colleagues. The school’s administration has been very supportive and easy to work with. All these elements enabled me to develop a highly positive attitude towards work.

During the next two weeks, I intend to complete the planned lessons and plan to submit all student portfolios. I will do whatever I can to facilitate the transition and train my replacement. I wish the entire team a successful future.

Thank you very much.


Hannah Beck
9227 Jinx Horizon
Chicago, IL 43221
(004) 444-8888

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