People working as quality assurance specialists have demanding jobs especially if they are working in the food industry.
A lot depends on their shoulders as they are the last ones to deem a product suitable for consumption.
The interviews for this position are conducted keeping this in mind, and if a candidate is not qualified well enough, his chances to get hired will be minimized.
If you are looking for securing an interview for the Quality Assurance Specialist position, this cover letter example is for you!
Food Quality Assurance Specialist Cover Letter Sample
Michael Dudley
438 23rd Street
Lincoln, NE 99999
(000) 444-4120
February 3, 2023
Mr. Adolf Barney
Manager Human Resource
Kraft Foods
8 Mary Street
Lincoln, NE 44232
Dear Mr. Barney:
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Quality Assurance Specialist position at Kraft Foods. As a proactive and upbeat individual with 8+ years of quality control experience in hand, I am convinced that I have much to contribute to your organization.
My associate degree in food quality management and my previous place of work have taught me a lot in terms of reviewing, monitoring, and maintaining quality control programs. I have been trained in understanding quality and flavor profiles including tasting and texture which goes beyond any book knowledge. Additionally, I hold current certifications in ServeSafe, CP-FS, and REHS which ensures that my work will be never compromised. Moreover, I possess excellent communication skills, therefore, am proficient in maintaining a healthy relationship with customers to provide the best of quality assurance services at all times.
My resume is enclosed with this letter and holds information on my skills and qualifications. I am available for an interview immediately and will call you next to ask for a date and time for a meeting. If you need to talk to me, I may be reached at (000) 444-4120.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(Sign Here)
Michael Dudley
Enc. Resume