You may be a great source of support to many people because you know exactly how to handle a situation, but when it comes to interviews, even the best of us get the jitters.
As the last step in the job application and selection procedure, an interview is a daunting experience which takes a lot out of us.
But it doesn’t have to. Preparedness is the key to success. When you prepare well for a procedure, you can always tackle the blows that it throws to you.
Interview preparedness begins at home. You pull apart the job description and anticipate what questions you will be asked at the interview.
You then figure out how to answer them so that you come across as someone who knows what he is saying.
Acting your “role” out in front of the mirror will help. It will show you how you will look, sitting across from the interviewer. Build up your self-confidence by knowing the job inside out and dressing professionally, and no one can take the job away from you!
See also: Emergency Management Specialist Resume
For sample interview questions for an emergency management specialist position, here is a set that you can refer to:
4 Common Emergency Management Specialist Interview Questions and Answers
1. The work of an emergency management specialist is synonymous with stress. How do you handle stress so that it doesn’t affect your work?
True, stress in a key factor in bringing emergency management personnel down. I have cracked this though. Over the years, I have taught myself to be detached from the situation (assuming that an emergency situation is prevailing) and concentrate on saving lives. This practice has led me to leave stress far behind and focus on the task at hand.
2. Explain a situation that you found yourself in which was challenging to the core.
I had just joined an organization when a tsunami warning (in July 2008) was issued by the government due to an earthquake that transpired in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The company did not have an emergency preparedness program and were waiting for me to join so that I could develop one. When the warning came, everyone panicked, looking at me for support. I had not yet analyzed the company’s requirements and logistics but I managed to develop and implement a plan to quickly evacuate the building before an emergency situation could transpire.
3. What skills does one need to work as part of an emergency preparedness team?
The ability to investigate each individual department’s emergency preparedness needs is foremost. Exceptional communication skills and the ability to work with little or no supervision are important too. Additionally, one needs to be able to develop and implement emergency management techniques and plans and also conduct after-action critiques for emergency drills to determine how to better them next time.
4. How important is it to maintain liaison with government bodies when working in an emergency management specialist role?
Extremely important. Working in emergency preparedness in any capacity requires you to create and maintain bridges with government emergency services such as the police and fire departments. It is important to maintain this liaison so that one can be confident of immediate services in case of an impending emergency.