A police sergeant is a law enforcement official who holds a supervisory position over officers and secretaries. He or she may also serve as a witness in court in case of criminal suits.
Have a look at the following cover letter format that a police sergeant needs to send along with his/her resume to obtain a job successfully.
Police Sergeant Cover Letter Example
Rowan Atkinson
892 Diamond Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 66663
(000) 999-5210
rowan @ email . com
February 11, 2022
Mr. Kenneth Holdman
Chief of Police
Park City
201 Granite Springs Road
Cheyenne, WY 75343
Re: Police Sergeant position at Park City (Job ID 210001)
Dear Mr. Holdman:
I read in the Washington Post’s classified section regarding your need for a Police Sergeant at Park City. This job seems to be the right challenge for me; I know that with my strong criminal justice experience and police background I will be an asset to Park City’s Police Department.
As n energetic law enforcement professional, I am an expert in diffusing potentially volatile situations and managing staff members according to rules and regulations. My ability to exercise good judgment along with excellent analytical skills and critical thinking has been the reason for expedited promotion over the years.
Moreover, I am a highly motivated and adaptable person and believe in working with a strong commitment to providing excellent security services within my jurisdiction. Even though I have a mild nature, I know just when it is essential to enforce my authority in order to either maintain discipline amongst staff members or to manage threatening situations effectively.
I would like to set up an appointment in order to discuss this further. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincere regards,
Rowan Atkinson
Enc. Resume