Cover letters are perfect places to emphasize the high-interest factors that whet a hiring manager’s appetite in knowing you. Connecting the dots for hiring managers is important so that they can understand where you stand. But it is important not to merely repeat your resume in a cover letter. Cover letters are not a repetition of resumes. They don’t emulate them – they complement them.
An impeccably written resume provides proof of your communication skills which is of the utmost importance to an employer. If you can communicate well, it stands to reason that you can handle at least one part of what the employer wants you to do. When you begin your resume, it should look like it was written by a professional. When you end it, you need to maintain your image as a “person of action” by encouraging the hiring manager to contact you.
Yes, your resume will have contact information in it but you still need to put it in your cover letter as well, to save the hiring manager from the going through the resume and looking for your contact information. Make things easy for him and things will become easier for you!
Let’s see what a cover letter should be made of:
Clinical Research Manager Cover Letter Sample
Patrick Walsh
548 8th Street
Overland Park, KS 65885
(000) 415-7455
Patrick @ email . com
October 17, 2016
Mr. Carl Wagner
Hiring Manager
205 Pleasant View Avenue
Smithfield, RI 02917
Dear Mr. Wagner:
My inner voice keeps shouting loud and clear that clinical research is where I belong and that is why I am selectively contacting you. I hope you will see how adding me to your team of research professionals will be a big win for Lifespan.
What you are asking for and what I can deliver sound like a match! And following is why I think so:
• Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain detailed clinical trial project plans in accordance to set contracts
• Proficient in effectively managing project budgets to ensure that financial targets are constantly met
• Adept at overseeing all operational functions within clinical trial billing, including protocol compliance and reversal of sponsored programs
• Qualified to ensure consistency of operational aspects of all running clinical trial programs
My salary needs are in line with the position’s description and what I bring in abilities. I will call you on Thursday to see when we can explore specifics. Please feel free to contact me at (000) 415-7455 if you need further information regarding my suitability to work at Lifespan.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Patrick Walsh