15 Garment Inspector Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on: December 20, 2022

A garment inspector interview is a crucial stage in your hiring process.

Here are 15 common interview questions and answers to help you prepare a garment inspector interview.

1. Why should we hire you?
You should hire me because I have the skill set and experience that you desire. Moreover, I have experience in garment cutting that will come in very handy.

2. What is a trim card? Have you ever used it?
It’s a swatch card that is used to check the material used in garments. I use it on regular basis during inspections.

3. What do AQL and BOM stand for?
AQL is a sampling inspection term and it stands for Acceptable Quality Level while BOM stands for Bill of Material.

4. How do we classify defects in the garments industry?
Defects are categorized as minor, major, and critical defects.

5. Share a time when you made a mistake and how you rectified it?
Last year we had a new machine, it needed a ballpoint needle but by mistake, I recommended a ballpoint needle. The resultant stitch was much smaller and different from the original design. As soon as I realized the error, I stopped production and contacted my supervisor. Then we changed the needle and over-stitched the lot to control the damage.

6. Share your most recent professional achievement?
Last month we were given the target to upsell a new line of garments. I marketed the same through referral contacts and on social media and was able to exceed the given target.

7. What is a PO sheet?
PO sheet is a purchase order. It contains all details like size, quantity, style, and design.

8. Describe the points of inspection in different garment sections?
Points of inspection include checking the cut marks, quality of stitching, alignment and seam allowance, tagging, and sizing.

9. What are your professional strengths?
My professional strengths include; strong attention to detail, effective communication skills, and knowledge about common garment defects.

10. How do you get things done while working under pressure?
I have strong organizational skills and I work systematically and always prioritize my tasks.

11. What have you done to improve your garments-related knowledge in the past 6 months?
I have recently attended a QA workshop conducted by Kansai to update my knowledge.

12. What kinds of sewing machines are you familiar with?
I am familiar with the lock stitch sewing machine, overlock machine, chain and flat stitch machines, and feed of the arm machine.

13. What are the parts of a zipper?
A zipper has five main parts: the runner, the puller, the zipper tape, the zipper teeth, and the stopper.

14. What do you do if you find a defect in a garment?
I immediately report it to the manager and if rectification can be done I recommend it. If not then I label the lot as defective.

15. What does quality mean to you?
When a product is what the company claims to be and the customer is satisfied with the same, it is a quality product.

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