Do not assume that the school librarian cover letters go unnoticed.
This assumption has resulted in many lost jobs. People often figure, “covering letters are a waste of time.” Not true at all.
Cover letters are your saving grace in many ways. They have the potential to reach out to a prospective employer and get your point across – I want the job, and I am well worth it!
So a cover letter for a school librarian resume is definitely not pointless.
Going the extra mile with your cover letter is essential as it is your first and often only chance to connect with the person who will be assessing you from afar. And by reading the cover letter, employers decide if they want to read your resume.
But remember never to send in a broadcast or prospecting letter as these are often treated as useless flyers and discarded without much thought. If you send a highly persuasive cover letter, along with a shining resume, the decision-makers will take notice.
But even the neediest employer will pass when he sees a glorified flier. So smack those hands together, put your thinking cap on and let’s get to work!
What follows here is a cover letter sample for a school librarian position:
See also: School Librarian Resume Sample
School Librarian Cover Letter Sample
Rebecca Jarvis
(000) 555-5552
Rebecca @ email . com
November 4, 2019
Ms. Pricilla Hunter
North Star School
8012 Marywood Road
Bel Air, MD 33484
Dear Ms. Hunter:
Throughout my career as a librarian, I have played a key role in empowering students to be critical thinkers and skillful researchers through their involvement with library services. Whether fostering an environment of creativity or infusing library services into units of instruction, I have consistently met the challenge of converting students into “readers” and “researchers.” I now bring this value to the North Star School.
With a blended background that shines in education and technology, there is every chance that I can bring genuine value to your future initiatives. Some of my accomplishments to date include:
• Increased number of students enrolled for library services from 500 to 1233 in 3 months, following exceptional mental empowering activities.
• Collaborated with teaching specialists to design and implement a system that assesses students’ learning and instructional effectiveness.
• Conducted 92 library study groups in 3 years, enjoying 100% success with each in the academic arena.
I believe that I have much to talk about the benefits and strategies that I can bring to your table. I will make it a priority to call you next week. If you need any further information regarding my experience, competencies, or skills before that, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Rebecca Jarvis
(000) 555-5552
Rebecca @ email . com