We have often been told that an action close is important when ending a cover letter. But what happens if the advertisement specifically states “don’t call us, we will call you”?
How does an action close come in here? Well, you might need to deviate from the regular action close here. Either do not mention that you are applying in response to an ad, leading employers to believe that your cover letter is serendipity and came in just at the right time and that you didn’t respond to the ad and know nothing about it. Or do as the ad says and not write that you will call the company. And wait for them to call you.
But action closes are not only ones that require you to call in for an interview date and time. You can close your cover letter a hundred other ways and it will still be considered an action close.
You can leave a postscript to entice the reader to call you in for an interview. Or you can simply write something so intriguing that the reader will have no choice but to call you and find out what you meant!
It is all a game of words. Words will get you right to the interview table without obstacles on the way. Want to write a cover letter like that? Here is one you can take ideas from:
Housekeeping Assistant Cover Letter Example
521 9th Street
Milan, IN 51020
April 19, 2018
Mr. Lucy Snipes
Manager Human Resources
Intercontinental Hotels
400 E Country Road
Milan, IN 59293
Dear Mr. Snipes:
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
Even though Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote these words, more than a century ago, they ring true even now, especially where professional organizations are concerned. In the hospitality environment, it does not matter who is leading the show, enthusiasm and commitment are critical to today’s successful organizations. And that is what I bring to you – passion for working as a housekeeping assistant and a promise to ensure recurring business through assurance of complete and constant guest satisfaction.
I present myself as a well-qualified candidate to work at Intercontinental Hotels. From my performance track record and letters of recommendation, you will see that I can deliver exceptional housekeeping skills – some of them are listed below:
• Track record of supervising and coordinating the activities of housekeeping staff to ensure the success of day to day operations.
• Adept at providing support to executive housekeepers by handling staff training, coaching and counseling.
• Adept at enforcing quality assurance and department cost control measures, in addition to handling inventories and supplies management activities.
If you want to know how I managed to save $5000 by employing my quick thinking skills, please call me at (111) 111-1111 so that we can arrange a time to meet in person. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Donna Telly
Enc: Resume