Gate Guard Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: February 7, 2023

Writing a cover letter requires much in terms of researching the company and its requirements thoroughly. If you can do it, your next step is definitely the interview.

A good gate guard cover letter is not an everyday thing for hiring managers, who wait for long periods of time to find the perfect one.

Making sure that yours is the one that will be considered perfect is imperative. Put in as much information about your skills and accomplishments as possible.

Read and re-read your cover letter to make sure that there are no grammatical mistakes or syntax errors. Once you’ve given it a thumbs up several times, send it in, along with your resume.

A cover letter sample for a gate guard position is provided below for reference purposes:

Sample Cover Letter for Gate Guard Job

February 7. 2023

Mr. Allen Young
Human Resources Manager
[Company Name]
69 Central Street
Manchester, NH 71009

Dear Mr. Young:

I am excited to apply for a gate guard position at [Company Name]. Owing to my 8 years of experience as a gate guard, and the skills I have developed due to them, I consider myself a perfect person to hire for this role.

I have been responsible for the security of big companies, where my presence as a gate guard was quite welcomed owing to a profound ability to ensure that both egresses and entrances were properly manned. 

I have proven to be invaluable in creating and implementing core safety programs to ensure that assigned premises are kept safe from a number of external agents, including vandals and terrorists. Going the extra mile to ensure the safety of people and places is something that is all in a day’s work for me.

I have been credited with providing extensive training to newly hired gate guards, and have also been involved in ensuring that the continuous training needs of existing gatekeepers are met on a constant basis. Furthermore, I am trained in handling and using arms for self and premises protection, and possess a current license for my weapons as well.

Further elaboration on my skills and qualifications is in order at this point, which is why I will contact you next week to arrange a meeting date and time. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Edward Davis
(000) 857-9658
Attachment. resume