Taxi drivers usually work with cab services companies – they may be self-employed as well.
The job of a taxi driver is to transport passengers from one place to another.
They are expected to assist passengers with their luggage and to ensure a safe journey for them by keeping in mind appropriate driving techniques and ensuring that the vehicle that they are driving is safe.
Taxi drivers are also expected to keep their taxis clean and maintained at all times.
They are supposed to perform preventive maintenance tasks on their vehicles to ensure a smooth and safe ride for their passengers.
If you have a valid driver’s license and are looking for a job as a taxi driver, you may be benefited from the following cover letter sample.
Sample Cover Letter for Taxi Driver Resume
Paul Newman
22 Village Marina Road
Eldon, MO 31433
(000) 626-9865
April 11, 2022
Mr. Fredrick Luther
Human Resources Manager
Cabs R Us
837 Hillcrest Drive
Eldon, MO 99999
Dear Mr. Luther:
As a well-qualified and cautious Taxi Driver, I am applying for a position at Cabs R Us. As an expert driver with over a decade of experience under my belt, I have much to deliver in terms of a safe journey and quality customer service.
As my background specifies, I possess an excellent driving record and have not made a single ticket since I started driving professionally ten years ago. My knowledge of using road maps and GPS systems enables me to chart out the best possible routes in order to reach the passengers’ destination. Holding excellent basic mechanical skills, I am comfortable with managing small repairs on my vehicle and can perform preventive maintenance as well.
Because my driving skills are best explained in person, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss how I can become a key member of your team. If you need any information, please call me at (000) 626-9865.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Paul Newman
Enc. Resume