As a ground driver at FedEx, you will be required to handle a wide array of jobs.
Hence, you have to make sure that you write the perfect cover letter when applying for this position.
It is important to understand that your cover letter should highlight your specific skills as a delivery/ground driver.
Knowledge of picking up packages from the warehouse, and delivering them timely should be highlighted.
Another way to make your FedEx ground driver cover letter an excellent read is to fill it up with achievements information. For instance, if you have made a large number of deliveries in a day, mention them in the cover letter. And so on.
Also, make sure that your cover letter reflects your ability to handle not just deliveries, but also vehicle maintenance and repair.
You can write a standout cover letter for a FedEx ground driver position by looking through the following sample:
FedEx Ground Driver Cover Letter Example
Samuel Larry
(000) 297-2048
[email protected]
May 25, 2020
Mr. Brett Strong
Human Resource Manager
35 Contour Avenue
Augusta, GA 82154
Dear Mr. Strong:
Reading through your ad for a FedEx Ground Driver position, I realized that you are looking for an individual with my exact profile. Currently working in a similar capacity for Amazon, I am sure that my candidature will be of great interest to you.
I have been working in delivery services for over 6 years now. Recently, I was responsible for delivering 52 packages on a rainy day, ensuring that all reached their destination safely, and on time. Some of my most prominent skills include the following:
- Demonstrated ability to conduct vehicle inspections prior to delivery, to ensure good working order
- Expert in packing and loading parcels and packages onto trucks, and arranging them safely
- Unmatched ability to maintain ongoing communication with dispatchers
- Excellent customer service skills, aimed at ensuring complete satisfaction, and repeat business opportunities
It would be prudent to mention here that during these 6+ years, I have never experienced a single episode of complaint from customers, or supervisors. I am sure that I will be a valuable asset to FedEx in view of these qualities and achievements.
I have enclosed my resume to further illustrate my experience, and skills in this regard. I will contact you to determine a mutually convenient time for an interview. Alternately, you can reach me at (000) 297-2048.
Samuel Larry