Fashion Blogger Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: February 9, 2022

In order to write a great fashion blogger cover letter, think of a fashion blogger cover letter as a response to the requirements you come across in an advertisement.

You want to market yourself as the candidate who can deliver all that is being sought.

Get them excited by telling them you are the one they are looking for.

The cover letter should distinctly radiate your enthusiasm for that position and that particular company.

Don’t let your cover letter be one of many that bore the reader who probably goes through dozens each day. Put your foot through that door and make it count.

Here is a great example for you to get ideas from:

Fashion Blogger Cover Letter Example

Jonathon Moore
857 9th Street
Susanville, CA 85422
(000) 521-1421
jonmoore @ email . com

February 9, 2022

Ms. Valerie Simpson
Hiring Manager
Patty Park Agency
479 Tako Nee St
Susanville, CA 96130

Dear Ms. Simpson:

I heard your need for unswerving and vibrant bloggers with great interest. With just the right fashion blogging insight and artistic approach, I can significantly increase traffic on your websites and blogs.

My friendly, conversational style of writing, proficiency with blog design, tools, and strategies will make your company’s presence more than felt on the internet. With teamwork and relentless dedication, I placed a company blog in The Style99 in 2021 in 67th place, increased blog visits by 47% within a year, and was thus selected as Ambassador for PPLA in 2019.

My interests are varied and I tend to follow if not stalk significant bloggers to stay on top of current trends and news. I have worked closely with marketing and event management teams to launch and promote company blogs, and building a rapport with clients has always come naturally to me. The ever-increasing number of followers on blogs that I manage is a testament to that claim.

Let’s meet so I can provide deeper insight into my skills and experiences. I will contact your secretary soon to set up a meeting date and time. Do take the liberty to contact me at (000) 521-1421 or jonmoore @ email . com.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jonathon Moore

Enc: Resume