100 Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers

Updated on: June 11, 2024

As you embark on the journey to become a Certified Nursing Assistant, one of the key steps along the way is to thoroughly prepare for the CNA examination.

This can be a daunting prospect, but with the right materials and practice, success is within your reach. With that spirit in mind, we present 100 Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers.

Our goal is to provide you with an accessible and straightforward tool to gauge your understanding of the necessary material and to identify areas where you may need to focus your studies.

The practice questions featured here reflect the diversity and depth of content that you can expect to encounter on the actual exam.

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100 Free CNA Practice Test Questions and Answers

1. What does the abbreviation CNA stand for?
Certified Nursing Assistant

2. What is the minimum age requirement to become a CNA?
The minimum age requirement varies by state but is usually 16 or 18 years old.

3. Which of the following is an example of a basic nursing skill performed by a CNA?
Assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.

4. What is the first step in providing oral care to a patient?
Washing your hands and putting on gloves.

5. What should a CNA do if a patient refuses to take a medication?
Document the refusal and report it to the nurse in charge.

6. How often should a CNA record a patient’s vital signs?
As directed by the nurse, usually every 4-8 hours.

7. How should a CNA assist a patient with ambulation using a walker?
Stand behind the patient, provide support at the waist, and walk slightly behind and to the side of the patient.

8. What is the purpose of range of motion (ROM) exercises?
To maintain joint flexibility and prevent contractures.

9. What should a CNA do if a patient complains of pain?
Report the complaint to the nurse and follow the facility’s protocol for pain management.

10. What is the Heimlich maneuver used for?
It is used to remove an obstruction from a choking victim’s airway.

11. What should a CNA do if a patient is experiencing a seizure?
Clear the area around the patient, protect the patient’s head, and monitor the duration of the seizure.

12. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a bedpan?
Provide privacy, position the patient properly, and assist with cleaning and hygiene afterward.

13. What is the purpose of applying a cold compress to an injury?
To reduce swelling and ease pain.

14. How should a CNA position a patient who has difficulty breathing?
In an upright, semi-Fowler’s position, if tolerated.

15. What is the proper way to measure a patient’s urinary output?
Use a graduated container and measure the output each time the patient voids.

16. How should a CNA assist a patient with a range of motion exercises?
Move each joint gently and smoothly through its full range of motion, as directed by the nurse.

17. What is the purpose of a low-residue diet?
To reduce the amount of fiber and residue in the digestive system, often used for patients with digestive disorders.

18. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a walker on stairs?
Instruct the patient to step up with the stronger leg first when going upstairs, and down with the weaker leg first when going downstairs.

19. What should a CNA do if a patient is experiencing a severe allergic reaction?
Activate the emergency response system and assist the patient with any prescribed emergency medication, such as an EpiPen.

20. What is the purpose of a sitz bath?
It is used to cleanse and provide relief to the genital and anal areas, often used for patients with hemorrhoids or postpartum discomfort.

21. How should a CNA assist a patient with getting out of bed?
Help the patient roll onto their side, then assist them into a sitting position with their legs hanging off the bed, and finally help them stand up.

22. What is the purpose of using restraints on a patient?
Restraints should only be used as a last resort to prevent harm to the patient or others and should be used according to facility policy and legal guidelines.

23. What should a CNA do if a patient exhibits signs of aspiration during a meal?
Stop the meal, monitor the patient’s breathing, and report the incident to the nurse.

24. How should a CNA assist a patient with using crutches?
Provide instruction on proper crutch usage and ensure the crutches are adjusted to the patient’s height.

25. What is the purpose of the chain of command in healthcare?
The chain of command ensures clear communication and accountability in providing patient care.

26. How should a CNA assist a patient with denture care?
Remove and clean the dentures as directed, and assist the patient with reinserting them correctly.

27. What is the purpose of Fowler’s position?
Fowler’s position, with the head of the bed raised, is used to promote easier breathing and assist with certain procedures.

28. How should a CNA assist a patient with a urinary catheter?
Maintain proper hygiene around the catheter, empty the drainage bag, and report any abnormal findings to the nurse.

29. What is the purpose of a diabetic diet?
A diabetic diet helps to regulate blood sugar levels and manage diabetes.

30. How should a CNA assist a patient with a hearing impairment?
Speak clearly and face the patient, use gestures or write notes if necessary, and provide any assistive devices as needed.

31. What is the purpose of passive range of motion (PROM) exercises?
PROM exercises are performed by the caregiver to move the patient’s joints when they are unable to do so themselves, helping to maintain joint mobility.

32. How should a CNA assist a patient with dressing?
Provide privacy, allow the patient to do as much as possible independently, and help with any difficult or inaccessible clothing items.

33. What is the purpose of a clear liquid diet?
A clear liquid diet provides fluids and some nutrients while allowing the digestive system to rest, often used before certain medical procedures or for patients with digestive issues.

34. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a bedpan?
Position the patient properly, use gloves, assist with cleaning and hygiene afterward, and provide comfort and privacy.

35. What is the purpose of a bedside commode?
A bedside commode is used to assist patients who are unable to reach the bathroom, providing a convenient and safe alternative.

36. How should a CNA assist a patient with oxygen therapy?
Assist with positioning and monitoring the oxygen delivery device, and report any changes in the patient’s condition to the nurse.

37. What is the purpose of a low-sodium diet?
A low-sodium diet is used to reduce salt intake and manage conditions such as high blood pressure or heart failure.

38. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a cane?
Instruct the patient to hold the cane on the stronger side, and provide guidance and support as needed.

39. What is the purpose of a warm compress?
A warm compress is used to provide comfort, promote blood flow, and help with certain conditions like muscle pain or swelling.

40. How should a CNA assist a patient with oral hygiene?
Help the patient brush their teeth, clean their mouth, and provide any necessary oral care products.

41. What is the purpose of isolation precautions in healthcare?
Isolation precautions are used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and protect both patients and healthcare workers.

42. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a wheelchair?
Help the patient safely transfer into the wheelchair, ensure proper positioning and comfort, and provide assistance with mobility as needed.

43. What is the purpose of a mechanical lift?
A mechanical lift is used to safely transfer patients who are unable to bear their own weight or have limited mobility.

44. How should a CNA assist a patient with grooming?
Provide privacy, assist with grooming activities such as hair care and shaving, and ensure the patient’s comfort and hygiene.

45. What is the purpose of a low-fat diet?
A low-fat diet is used to reduce dietary fat intake and manage conditions such as high cholesterol or heart disease.

46. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a nebulizer?
Set up the nebulizer equipment, ensure correct medication administration, and assist the patient as needed.

47. What is the purpose of a high-fiber diet?
A high-fiber diet promotes bowel regularity and aids in digestion, often used for patients with constipation or certain gastrointestinal conditions.

48. How should a CNA assist a patient with foot care?
Wash and dry the feet thoroughly, inspect for any abnormalities or signs of infection, and assist with nail care if necessary.

49. What is the purpose of deep breathing exercises?
Deep breathing exercises help improve lung capacity, promote relaxation, and prevent respiratory complications.

50. How should a CNA assist a patient with a nasal cannula for oxygen therapy?
Properly apply and adjust the nasal cannula, ensure adequate oxygen flow, and monitor the patient’s condition.

51. What is the purpose of a low-cholesterol diet?
A low-cholesterol diet helps to reduce cholesterol levels and manage cardiovascular health.

52. How should a CNA assist a patient with a feeding tube?
Follow the nurse’s instructions for administering feedings, ensure proper hygiene and monitoring of the tube, and document intake accurately.

53. What is the purpose of a sit-to-stand lift?
A sit-to-stand lift helps patients who have some weight-bearing ability but still need assistance to safely transfer from sitting to standing.

54. How should a CNA assist a patient with wound care?
Follow proper infection control procedures, clean the wound as directed, and apply dressings or ointments as instructed.

55. What is the purpose of oxygen therapy?
Oxygen therapy is used to provide supplemental oxygen to patients who have difficulty breathing or low oxygen levels.

56. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a urinary external catheter?
Properly apply and secure the external catheter, ensure hygiene and comfort, and monitor for any issues or complications.

57. What is the purpose of a low-protein diet?
Answer: A low-protein diet is used to reduce dietary protein intake and manage certain kidney or liver conditions.

58. How should a CNA assist a patient with mouth care for an unconscious patient?
Answer: Use swabs or sponges to gently clean the patient’s mouth, teeth, and gums, and keep the mouth moist to prevent dryness.

59. What is the purpose of a purified water diet?
A purified water diet is used for short periods to provide only water to cleanse the digestive system, often used for certain medical procedures.

60. How should a CNA assist a patient with using an overhead trapeze?
Instruct the patient on proper use, help them grip the trapeze handles, and provide guidance and support during movements.

61. What is the purpose of a cardiac diet?
A cardiac diet focuses on heart-healthy eating to manage conditions such as hypertension or heart disease.

62. How should a CNA assist a patient with using an oxygen concentrator?
Set up the oxygen concentrator as directed, ensure the correct tubing and delivery system, and monitor the patient’s oxygen saturation.

63. What is the purpose of a high-calorie diet?
A high-calorie diet is used to provide extra energy and nutrients for patients who need to gain weight or have increased energy needs.

64. How should a CNA assist a patient with repositioning in bed?
Help the patient change positions regularly, use proper body mechanics to prevent injury, and provide adequate support and comfort.

65. What is the purpose of a low-potassium diet?
A low-potassium diet is used to regulate potassium levels in patients with certain kidney or heart conditions.

66. How should a CNA assist a patient with using an ostomy bag?
Help the patient clean and care for the stoma, ensure proper application and fit of the ostomy bag, and assist with emptying and changing the bag as needed.

67. What is the purpose of a low-residue diet?
A low-residue diet minimizes the amount of indigestible fiber and residue in the digestive system to reduce bowel movements and help manage certain digestive disorders.

68. How should a CNA assist a patient with nasogastric (NG) tube feeding?
Follow the nurse’s instructions for administering the feeding, ensure proper tube placement and hygiene, and monitor the patient’s tolerance and intake.

69. What is the purpose of a gluten-free diet?
A gluten-free diet is necessary for individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance to avoid foods that contain gluten protein.

70. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine?
Help the patient properly set up the CPAP machine, ensure correct mask fit, and provide guidance on usage and adjustment.

71. What is the purpose of a low-fiber diet?
A low-fiber diet limits the intake of bulky foods to reduce bowel movements and ease digestion, often used for patients with certain digestive disorders or after surgery.

72. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a sequential compression device (SCD)?
Help the patient position and secure the SCD, ensure proper inflation and pressure, and monitor for any issues or discomfort.

73. What is the purpose of a low-oxalate diet?
A low-oxalate diet is used to reduce the intake of foods high in oxalate, which can contribute to kidney stone formation.

74. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) system?
Set up and maintain the CBI system as directed, ensure proper tubing and irrigation solution, and monitor the patient’s output and comfort.

75. What is the purpose of a low-tyramine diet?
A low-tyramine diet is recommended for individuals taking certain medications or at risk of developing hypertensive crises, as tyramine can interact with these medications.

76. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a pneumatic compression device?
Help the patient properly set up and adjust the pneumatic compression device, ensure proper pressure and placement, and monitor for any issues or discomfort.

77. What is the purpose of a low-phenylalanine diet?
A low-phenylalanine diet is necessary for individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU), a condition where the body cannot metabolize phenylalanine properly.

78. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a ventilator?
Under the nurse’s supervision, follow the proper protocols for ventilator usage, monitor the patient’s condition, and assist with any necessary care.

79. What is the purpose of a low-oxalate diet?
A low-oxalate diet can help reduce the risk of kidney stones in individuals prone to oxalate stone formation.

80. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit?
Help the patient properly set up and place the TENS unit electrodes, ensure correct settings and comfort, and monitor the patient’s response.

81. What is the purpose of a low-histamine diet?
A low-histamine diet is recommended for individuals with histamine intolerance or certain allergic conditions to minimize symptoms related to histamine release.

82. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a mechanical ventilator?
CNAs are not responsible for operating mechanical ventilators. This role is typically assigned to respiratory therapists or specialized nurses.

83. What is the purpose of a low-lectin diet?
A low-lectin diet is sometimes followed by individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory conditions to reduce potential triggers of symptoms or immune responses.

84. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) machine?
CNAs are not responsible for operating CRRT machines. This role is typically assigned to specialized nurses or renal care professionals.

85. What is the purpose of a low-sulfur diet?
A low-sulfur diet may be recommended as part of treatment for certain metabolic disorders or to manage conditions such as sulfur-related sensitivities.

86. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a home hemodialysis machine?
CNAs are not responsible for operating home hemodialysis machines. This role is typically assigned to specialized nurses or trained dialysis technicians.

87. What is the purpose of a renal diet?
A renal diet is specifically designed to help manage conditions related to kidney function, such as chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease.

88. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a peritoneal dialysis machine?
CNAs are not responsible for operating peritoneal dialysis machines. This role is typically assigned to specialized nurses or trained dialysis technicians.

89. What is the purpose of a low-purine diet?
A low-purine diet is often recommended for individuals with gout or certain types of kidney stones to help reduce the levels of uric acid or other purines in the body.

90. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a traction device?
Help the patient maintain proper positioning and alignment, ensure proper application and tension of the traction device, and monitor for any issues or discomfort.

91. What is the purpose of a low-vitamin K diet?
A low-vitamin K diet is sometimes prescribed for individuals taking certain anticoagulant medications, as vitamin K can interfere with the medication’s effect.

92. How should a CNA assist a patient with using an intravenous (IV) infusion pump?
CNAs are not responsible for operating IV infusion pumps. This role is typically assigned to specialized nurses or trained medical staff.

93. What is the purpose of a low-glycemic diet?
A low-glycemic diet focuses on consuming carbohydrates that have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those seeking to manage their weight.

94. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a bed rail?
Ensure the bed rail is properly secured and at the appropriate height, provide instruction to the patient on how to use the bed rail, and regularly check for any signs of discomfort or injury.

95. What is the purpose of a therapeutic diet?
A therapeutic diet is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of individuals with certain health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or food allergies.

96. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a hoyer lift?
Assist the patient in positioning and attaching the appropriate slings, operate the hoyer lift according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and maintain clear communication and coordination throughout the lifting process.

97. What is the purpose of a low-tyramine diet?
A low-tyramine diet is often recommended for individuals taking certain medications or at risk of developing hypertensive crises, as tyramine can interact with these medications.

98. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a mechanical ventilator?
CNAs are not responsible for operating mechanical ventilators. This role is typically assigned to respiratory therapists or specialized nurses.

99. What is the purpose of a low-lectin diet?
A low-lectin diet is sometimes followed by individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory conditions to reduce potential triggers of symptoms or immune responses.

100. How should a CNA assist a patient with using a continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) machine?
CNAs are not responsible for operating CRRT machines. This role is typically assigned to specialized nurses or renal care professionals.

Remember, these practice questions are for self-assessment purposes only. It is important to consult reliable study materials and practice resources to thoroughly prepare for the CNA exam.

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