City Clerk Resume Example

Updated on: February 25, 2021

A City clerk plays a very important role in ensuring the smooth running of a city’s daily administrative tasks. 

Before writing a resume for a city clerk position, it is very important to learn about the employer’s expectations. Generally, the skills needed for this job include management and administrative skills, record keeping, coordinating, agenda-setting and implementation.

Prior experience and knowledge of how large administrations work is always a plus when it comes to a city clerk position.

If you have any such experience or knowledge, make sure it is mentioned in your resume.

Sample Resume for City Clerk Position

Kate Wesley
816 Harley Lane, Golden Valley, MN 89332
(000) 444-3232
kate @ email . com


Successful professional with a proven track record of providing highly skilled administrative support work to ensure administrative functions of the city office run smoothly. Well-versed in providing public information, overseeing the community services, and coordinating with high authority personnel and commissions regarding city projects.

• Proficient in preparing budgets and analyzing their feasibility
• Expert in drafting resolutions and proclamations
• Demonstrated ability to determining the authenticity of municipal documents and sealing the same on verification
• Adept at preparing agendas as instructed by the city mayor and informing the respective commissions regarding the same


City Clerk
Municipal Department, Golden Valley, MN
2011 – Present
• Schedule and maintain records of all municipal boards and commission meetings in the city
• Assist and guide election candidates in legal protocols before and after elections
• Supervise updating of the city’s website and issuing of the weekly newsletter
• Carryout legislative analysis and reviews

Key Achievements
• Initiated a digital complaint registering mechanism available for all citizens online
• Ensured citizen awareness via extensive promotional techniques regarding community resources available within the city

Clerk Assistant
Municipal Department, City of Aitkin, MN
2009 – 2011
• Carried out statutory duties of a city clerk
• Maintained record of all public projects, bids made and purchases done
• Negotiated with insurance companies and council members on issues of public interest

Key Achievements
• Initiated a city-wide campaign for ensuring inculcation of civic sense among individuals
• Handled and processed citizen complaints on a timely basis which decreased backlog by 40%

Secretarial Intern
General Services, Aitkin, MN | 2008-2009
• Provided administrative support to the city clerk
• Received record-keeping tasks and fulfilled them timely
• Conducted paperwork for all ongoing and upcoming municipal maintenance tasks

Bachelors Degree in General Administration
Aitkin University, Aitkin, MN | 2008

✔ Administrative support
✔ Agendas/reports preparation
✔ Minutes preparation
✔ Processing /uploading information
✔ Maintaining bylaws
✔ Records maintenance/retention

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