A cover letter can be the best thing that a hiring manager has read in a day – or the worst. And it is all up to you.
Making sure that the cover letter that you send in with your resume speaks volumes about your abilities and skills in a specific area is your job.
If you can do this right, the next step might very well be the interview stage.
Writing an OR Circulator cover letter is no rocket science. You just need to do a little self-analysis, and determine what you have to offer to a company.
Once this is out of the way, you can easily write a cover letter that shows you as the best candidate out of the pool. Stay as close to reality as possible – make sure that the skills and competencies that you include in your cover letter ring true at all levels.
Here is a sample to help you out:
OR Circulator Cover Letter Example
June 25, 2018
Mr. William Jones
Human Resource Manager
Swedish Health Services
13 Jump Road SE
New York City, NY17344
Dear Mr. Jones:
Working as an OR circulator has to be the most challenging job there is – where nursing is concerned. As an experienced, and skilled OR circulator, I have been quite busy providing one on one care to patients, both in a post and pre-operative capacity. The fact that I am specially trained in working in this capacity makes me an excellent person to hire at this position. Please refer to the enclosed resume for further details on my experience in this regard.
Over the last five years that I have worked as an OR circulator, I have been quite busy providing patients with education on OR processes and procedures, and what to expect during a particular session. The fact that I am credited with creating and implementing a core patient education program, which is now being used across the hospital, says a lot about my dedication to this work. As an OR circulator, I have been actively handling many patient-related services, such as checking and recording vital signs and preparing patients for operating procedures. My skills in managing emergency situations prevailing during, before, or after procedures are exceptional, as is my ability to handle all auxiliary duties pertinent to surgical units.
Confident that a meeting between us will be a mutually fruitful one, I will contact you soon to set a time. Until then, you may reach me at (000) 222-4121 if needed. My resume is attached for your review.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kimberley Parker
Attachment: (Resume)