Employment Coach Job Description

Updated on: June 30, 2018

Employment Coach Job Description

An employment coach is an individual who provides individualized coaching to people, looking for jobs.

This person may be the only individual who can help you determine what your goals and challenges are where employment is concerned, and assist you in reaching and facing them.

The work of an employment coach is quite complicated, as there is a lot to handle where new applicants are concerned, and all has to be done for the best interests of the individuals involved.

Employment Coach Duties & Responsibilities

• Complete necessary intake paperwork to determine what applicants are looking for in terms of work opportunities.
• Provide one on one counseling and support to help people assess their skills and interests, and develop career plans.
• Impart group instruction, and counseling, and provide training as and when required.
• Train individuals and groups in conducting labor marketing research, and ways in which to analyze occupations.
• Provide guidance, and review vocational training options, along with funding resources.
• Afford direct referrals to bridge programs, sector centers, and special hiring initiatives.
• Provide one on one support to all individuals, and assess their level of motivation, and job readiness.
• Assess the skills of all individuals, and teach them ways in which to use them effectively.
• Assist people with disabilities and other limitations in developing social and life skills effectively.
• Monitor and evaluate the progress of clients, and guide them in learning to complete jobs effectively.
• Create and maintain documentation, and prepare reports of job coaching activities performed within the scope of the program.

Employment Coach Job Description

Employment Coach


To be considered eligible to work as an employment coach, you have to possess a degree in business, with a major in human resources.

If you have had previous experience in an HR capacity, your candidature will be considered highly, as you will be aware of the nitty gritty of this work.

Exceptional communication skills, along with a great ability to reach out to people are two most essential skills that an individual working in this position must possess.

Moreover, it is crucial for employment coaches to be analytic of mind, and be able to work effectively with team members, so that a collaborative effort can be made to handle employment coaching activities.

An employment coach must be detail-oriented, as there is a lot of information that he or she will need to gather on each assigned task before it can be considered complete.

Category: HR