Writing a cover letter is only a problem if you let it be. When you are in the process of writing one, you have to make sure that it focuses on what the hiring manager wants you to be.
Here is a sample that does this:
Substance Abuse Counselor Cover Letter Example
March 22, 2023
Mr. Han Beckett
Human Resource Manager
Pinnacle Treatment Centers
9033 Hemingway Road
Las Vegas, NV 63728
Dear Mr. Beckett:
I am writing to express my keen interest in the position of substance abuse counselor at Pinnacle Treatment Centers. It has been a long and fruitful journey spanning over 10 years, in the capacity of substance abuse counselor, and I can safely say that I have been successful in providing a large percentage of my clients with assistance in handling their substance abuse problems in a positive manner. I would like to benefit Pinnacle Treatment Centers in the same way, and with the same dedication, in this role.
Completing comprehensive assessments of clients’ substance abuse histories, and determining treatment requirements that work well in specific situations, is my main strength. Preparing and implementing individualized developmentally appropriate treatment plans for clients is my niche – and I am quite popular in my line of work, owing to my ability to successfully determine what clients need in terms of support and rehabilitation. Handling complex cases, and ensuring that all of them are given their due attention, has always been my main focus. In addition to this, I possess well-placed expertise in providing both individual and group counseling to clients and families, in accordance with set treatment plans.
I would love to meet with you soon and further discuss how I am the perfect person to hire as a substance abuse counselor at Pinnacle Treatment Centers. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please review the attached resume for further details on my accomplishments and experience in this regard.
Judith Beckly
(000) 254-9620