Position Overview
School community relations coordinators are responsible for the coordination of a comprehensive two-way communication process, that involves both internal and external publics.
The goal of working as a school community relations coordinator is to stimulate a good understanding of the roles and objectives of the school district.
Education and Skills Requirements
To work as a school community relations coordinator, one has to possess a bachelor’s degree in areas such as mass communications or public relations.
Some school districts might want you to possess a master’s degree in the same disciplines as well.
Additional requirements to work at this position include working knowledge of internal and external communication strategies, and mastery of verbal and written communication.
Also, you will be required to provide evidence of strong analytic, critical, and judgment skills, and have some experience in planning, implementing, and evaluating communication projects.
If you are a motivated and detail-oriented individual, there is very little that can stop you from acquiring this job, considering that you have the background to provide credence to it.
Since this work is deadline-oriented, your time management skills also need to be exceptional, so that you do not end up missing important deadlines.
Great people skills, initiative, and enthusiasm are also key prerequisites of working as a school community relations coordinator.
Some of the main duties of people working as school community relations coordinators include:
Sample Job Description for School Community Relations Coordinator Position
• Assist relevant school bodies in assessing and interpreting public attitudes, as well as identifying and shaping correlating policies and procedures.
• Handle the different aspects of the school district’s publications including newsletters, brochures, and bulletins.
• Facilitate communication about institutional advancements such as strategic planning and organizational change.
• Develop and implement comprehensive communications plans for each assigned district.
• Perform both formal and informal research to determine public opinion and attitude.
• Promote the district’s strengths and achievements and its solutions to problems.
• Conduct information campaigns for district elections and research and develop communication strategies for the district superintendent.
• Promote the development of collaborative initiatives between schools and local businesses.
• Set annual budgets and objectives for the school district’s public information programs.
• Utilize TQM (total quality management) concepts in fulfilling school and community functions.
• Serve as the main point of contact and liaison between the district and the community and supervise the production and distribution of media releases.
• Create and maintain open lines of communication with all community organizations and provide prompt responses to requests for public information.
• Serve as a leading contact in the crises communications team and assist in strategic planning and promotion of community foundation programs.