Back in the days of no technology, letters were the prime source of communication. They still are, where jobs are concerned. While many companies have switched to technology – receiving emails and electronic submissions of job applications – many still prefer a Lead Cashier cover letter.
The reason is perhaps the fact that paper cover letters seem more professional – much more so than their electronic counterparts.
Some companies may have gone completely digital but still prefer to acquire applications in a written form. And to appease them, it is best to type one up and print it in case this is what a hiring manager is looking for. This way, you will have both electronic and paper forms to use as and when required of you.
Cover letters haven’t changed much during the last decade or so. Hiring managers still prefer to look at letters that are directly addressed to them and not to any random “hiring manager”.
They still want the quality of content and relevance to the job description which they have posted in a newspaper or their website. If you can conform to all these, your Lead Cashier cover letter will be welcomed by prospective employers.
The following cover letter sample for a lead cashier resume will give you an example of the type of cover letters employers of today like:
Lead Cashier Cover Letter Sample
Gary Oldman
495 Amber Ave
Newport, KY 25012
(000) 124-4141
Gary @ email . com
August 14, 2021
Mr. Henry Miller
Hiring Manager
The One Shop
495 E 15th Street
Newport, KY 00121
Dear Mr. Miller:
I am extremely interested in working for The One Shop as a Lead Cashier. Leading a team of 15 cashiers in one of the largest Macy’s stores in Kentucky, I have been fortunate enough to learn the ropes and teach them too. As a lead cashier, my efforts have been recognized by my supervisors and rewarded as well. At this point in time, it is my intention to provide the benefit of these to The One Shop.
Let me outline some of the reasons why my supervisors chose to reward me for my efforts:
- Proactively mentored a team of cashiers, resulting in all 15 of them working outstandingly and increasing customer satisfaction.
- Implemented a sophisticated POS system, which decreased the credit card payment process by 76%.
- Increased the efficiency of the cash drawer balancing procedure by 60%, by employing checks and balances after each transaction.
Emulating these (and more) at The One Shop will be a cinch. If you are open to these ideas, let’s meet in person and discuss them. I will call you soon to set up a meeting time. Until then, you may reach me at (000) 124-4141.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Gary Oldman
Enc: Resume