It is quite challenging to write a cover letter which ensures that the competition is thwarted.
There will always be many other candidates for the same job, who are trying to do exactly what you are – impress a hiring manager.
However, it is not impossible to become the best candidate there is for a job. There are some necessary things that you need to look out for, and the rest takes care of itself.
Once you have begun writing a cover letter, it is automatically assumed that your preparation is done. By this, we mean that you have all the information at hand which will make it easy for you to write a rocking cover letter. This will include company information such as its mission and vision, exact information of what the role requires, and even who is likely to read the cover letter, and eventually sit across from you at the interview table.
To see what format you can use to write your cover letter, have a look at the following sample:
KYC Analyst Cover Letter Example
April 14, 2018
Mr. Mathew Perry
Human Resource Manager
Klein Management Systems
6030 Hall Road
Lancaster, PA 73652
Dear Mr. Perry:
It has been an entire decade since I began working as a KYC analyst. Having come a long way since then, I believe that I am a perfect fit for your organization if hired in this role. Let me explain how.
With such vast, and all-encompassing experience in determining strategies to know customers by researching and organizing customer information, my candidature for the job is stronger than others’. The fact that I have worked so extensively in a KYC analysis capacity makes it easy for me to rate risk levels associated with the customer account. It includes thoroughly and efficiently using information, such as nature of the business, the reliance of entities on cash transactions, and funds sourcing. Additionally, I am quite knowledgeable about the different methods and techniques required to research customers’ activities to determine risk factors.
Even though I have outlined most of what my capabilities are in both my resume and the cover letter, it is best if we meet in person, so that I can highlight these further. I will contact you soon to set an appointment. Until then, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding my suitability.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sarah Henson
(000) 888-8888
Enc: (Resume)