Nurse Case Manager Resume Summary

Updated on: January 27, 2018

Nurse Case Manager Resume summaries are a little more profound than resume objectives.

Where the latter is just a snippet of an individual’s skills and qualifications, the former is an entire paragraph of “all good things” that an applicant is capable of performing.

However, it is not required to write too much in a summary, even if it is considered a paragraph.

You need to leave something to the imagination of the reader as well!

Writing a resume summary is a great way of reaching out to a hiring manager, who does not know you from Adam (or Eve), but would like to find out what makes you tick in the professional sense. There should be some information about what you are capable of doing in the workplace, and if possible, mention of what your specific achievements are. Once you have these charted out, you will have a strong string to pull where employment is concerned. But remember that not all summaries are perfectly written.

You can easily go wrong here, if you do not bother with the research part. You have to make sure that you understand what the hiring manager is looking for, before you begin writing your resume summary. Also, it is your duty to ensure that whatever you do write, rings true.

Some examples of resume summaries for a nurse case manager position are provided below for your reference:

Sample Summaries for Nurse Case Manager Resume

• Top-performing Nurse Case Manager with over 6 years of case management experience. Demonstrated expertise in assessing new and existing patients, updating and revising patient care plans, making clinical decisions for routine patient care, and accurately documenting and submitting medical records.

• Highly experience nurse case manager with 11 years’ successful track record of planning and implementing patient care, and monitoring quality of provided care, aiming to ensure infection control. Exceptionally talented in facilitating patient priorities, and ensuring delivery of well-placed patient care.

• Resourceful and self-motivated Nurse Case Manager with over 10 years of hands-on nursing experience. Proficient in providing exceptional patient care, by ensuring delivery of coordinated care services, and patients’ rights, along with handling discharge planning activities.

• Patient service-oriented nurse case manager boasting of over a decade of experience in conducting comprehensive assessments of patients’ physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Deep familiarity with assisting patients and their families in navigating healthcare systems, and coordinating specialty care.

• Nurse case manager with extensive comprehension of directing the daily functions of nursing care staff, aiming to provide assigned patients with the best in healthcare services. Adept at creating, implementing, and modifying individualized healthcare plans, targeted at ensuring the health and wellbeing of each assigned patient.