Consider this – your main chance to impress a prospective employer is your cover letter. How much time and effort are you willing to spend on it?
The right answer should be “more than possible”.
The cover letter delves deep inside you as a professional and as a person and takes out all the information that an employer will need to know your worth. Paying extra attention to what you write and how you word your sentences is essential.
A cover letter for inventory manager position is a window – it lets an employer peek into your professional soul, making it easy for him or her to decipher your abilities, and how successfully you have been able to use them in the past. But the cover letter is not only about the history.
A good inventory manager cover letter shows the reader what you have in you that makes it easy for you to contribute to the cause and mission of the organization.
Writing a good cover letter is not everyone’s cup of tea though. Even if you are a verified good writer, constructing a cover letter is a completely different ballgame. The need for accuracy (both work-related and language) is high as you will be judged quite harshly by what you write.
Nonetheless, you probably have all the information that you need to make your cover letter the best, so there isn’t much to worry about. Look at the sample below for reference:
Inventory Manager Cover Letter Example
352 West Street
San Diego, CA 94751
March 15, 2018
Mr. Edmond Fudd
Hiring Manager
652 Route 40
New Paris, OH 02155
Dear Mr. Fudd:
Being well-organized is one of the main requirements of working as an Inventory Manager. The fact that I am known for my exceptional organizational and leadership abilities is a credit to me, especially now that I would like to offer my services as Inventory Manager at your company.
Perhaps my most significant achievement is the replacing an existing inventory system with a more sophisticated one, resulting in increased ease of procurement. Since my present place of employment considered their inventory system a big weakness, this change was welcomed with a lot of enthusiasm. I am particularly active in:
• Ensuring adequate product stocking for all distribution channels.
• Creating and maintaining effective liaison with suppliers and vendors to ensure timely procurement of goods.
• Optimizing inventory control procedures, to ensure timely and efficient delivery of items.
Please refer to the enclosed resume that holds details of my professional background. I will call you mid next week to request a convenient meeting time. Until then, I can be contacted at (000) 548-5244.
Dale Cross
Enc: Resume