Sample Thank You Letter to Retiring Teacher (From Student)

Updated on: May 24, 2022

Some teachers are not just people who educate us – they become friends and mentors over the years we have been taught by them and hold a special place in our hearts.

Many of us have had teachers who have taught us for a number of years, and it is often quite difficult to say goodbye to them when they retire.

If you have a teacher to whom you have looked up for some years, writing a thank you letter to her on her retirement is an excellent way of showing appreciation and love for her.

A thank you letter written from a student to a teacher will require a personal touch.

You will need to be eloquent in how you feel about her and how she has made a difference in your life.

Also, you should thank her for the many times she helped you, not only with your schoolwork but also when you were emotionally down due to stress at home or when you panicked during exams.

Your letter should sound sincere, so write how you exactly feel about her leaving the institute and how you will miss her.

Here is a sample you can take ideas from.

Sample Thank You Letter to Retiring Teacher (from student)

May 24, 2022

Ms. Gemma Collins
Math Teacher
Cameron High School
55 Dean Road
Rapid City, SD 45142

Dear Ms. Collins:

I know that you have not taught my class for the last three years, but have heard that you are now retiring, I cannot help but feel sad. The reason that I have so perfectly adjusted to Cameron High School is that you were my introduction to it. I will miss seeing your familiar face around campus.

Today, I am writing to let you know that I am very appreciative of how you mentored me since I was at Cameron High School. I have looked up to you for as long as I can remember, and it makes my heart heavy to know that you will not be around anymore.

My class recently wrote an essay on Our Mentor, and you can guess who I wrote about. I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me personally and academically – not every teacher has a heart big enough to counsel students who have a disturbed personal background as I did. I genuinely believe that it is because of you that I am now able to make friends so easily and not hyperventilate at the thought of a new academic concept!

As you spend the last few days at school, I would like to meet with you and say thank you in person. I will miss you terribly and wish you a very happy retired life.

Faithfully yours,

Lily Davidson
Student, Grade 11
(000) 999-9999

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