2 English Tutor Cover Letter Samples

Updated on: June 1, 2021

An English tutor cover letter is a 1page document that is an integral part of your job application set.

Many people make one common cover letter writing mistake – they just copy a sample from the internet. You can copy a well-written cover letter, but you have to customize a sample as per your requirements.

Your cover letter should be unique – one of a kind.

Effective cover letters for the English Teacher position persuade an employer that your future goals are in sync with the institute’s mission, and convinces them that your skills align with the position requirements. 

But, to do this, a lot needs to go into making it a perfect read.

How to Write a Professional Cover Letter for  English Tutor Position?

The following tips will guide you:

  1. Create a new cover letter for each job application
  2. Use power verbs and phrases to relate your accomplishments and qualifications
  3. Be brief, concise, and to the point
  4. Give the impression of modest confidence
  5. Use white or off-white paper to print your cover letter
  6. Proofread before sending

Here are 2 cover letter samples for an English tutor position that you may look through:

English Tutor Cover Letter Sample 1

Siryus Doe
652 Y. 6th Street
Tampa, ID 27414
(000) 444-4444

June 1, 2021

Mr. William Eli
Manager Human Resource
Beach Cities Tutoring
300 Erin Avenue
Tampa, ID 20334

Dear Mr. Eli:

Teaching English has been my forte ever since I stepped out of mainstream teaching and focused on augmented education. I am now interested in being part of the tutor panel at Beach Cities Tutoring. I am confident that I will be able to contribute much to your organization.

I offer the following competencies:

  • Track record of helping students learn the concepts of English, beyond what they are taught in regular classes at school.
  • Well-versed in performing student assessments to gauge their abilities and learning limitations.
  • Known for creating and imparting individually based lesson plans to assist students in augmenting their knowledge of already taught concepts and understand new ones.

Besides that, I am able to create a fun and friendly classroom environment where chidden enjoy to learn English.

Based on my qualifications and enthusiasm, I feel confident that I could contribute to your mission successfully. I would like to meet with you in near future to discuss this in detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Siryus Doe

Enc: Resume

English Tutor Cover Letter Sample 2

June 1, 2021

Mr. Jason Hill
Hiring Manager
ABC School
333 E Walnut Street
Pasadena, CA 22965

Dear Mr. Hill:

I am writing to apply for the English Tutor job at ABC School. Throughout my career as an English teacher, I focused on building concepts, which is more important than just teaching.

As an English tutor, my strengths in recognizing variations in student backgrounds and learning styles are what make me successful. I have been known for my profound ability to explain grammar concepts and literary reviews without overwhelming my tutees.

Possessing a knack for listening actively and effectively to identify and resolve students’ problems and facilitate learning for them in an in-home environment, I believe that I will be an excellent addition to the team of tutors at The Knowledge Roundtable.

Let’s meet soon so that we can discuss this position in detail. I will be in touch regarding an interview. Alternately, I can be reached at (555) 555-5555.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Peter Gomez