A nursing attendant interview is a crucial stage in your hiring process.
In order to succeed in an interview, you will need to prepare well.
Here are some possible Nursing Attendant interview questions and answers to help you be prepared.
Nursing Attendant Interview Questions and Answers
1. What made you decide that you were cut out to work as a nursing attendant?
The decision to work as a nursing attendant is something that came to me quite naturally. I’m a compassionate person by nature, who likes looking after people when they are down. That, coupled with my interest in nursing (and subsequent training) led me to pick this up as a career.
2. What types of environments have you worked in?
In the eight years that I have worked as a nursing attendant, I have provided both in-home and facility support to assigned patients.
3. Which one do you like better?
To be honest, both maintain the same value for me. However, I find that working in a dedicated facility is somehow more structured.
4. What bothers you about this work?
If you mean what bothers me about looking after people who are unable to fend for themselves, then the answer is absolutely nothing. What does get to me at times is when I am unable to assist a patient because of his or her attitude limitations.
5. Speaking of which, how do you handle patients who may not be too happy with the situation that they are in?
As a nursing attendant, it is part of my work to handle my patients on a physical AND emotional level. I usually take their lead and try to make them as comfortable as possible. Providing indirect counseling works wonders too.
6. What have been your specific responsibilities while working as a nursing attendant?
Handling patients’ personal and grooming needs, ensuring that they are fed properly and on time, making sure that the environment that they are in is clean and safe, administering medication, taking and recording vital signs, providing emergency intervention, and ensuring their physical and emotional comfort, have all been part of my work as a nursing attendant.