No Smoking Policy Memo to Employees: Sample

Updated on: July 2, 2024

This document provides a comprehensive sample memo that communicates the implementation of a No Smoking Policy within the workplace.

It is designed to help employers effectively convey the reasons behind the policy, the boundaries and designated smoking areas, and the steps employees need to follow to comply with the new regulations.

Additionally, the memo includes resources and support for employees who are looking to quit smoking.

Employing this policy ensures a healthier, safer, and more productive environment for everyone in the organization.

No Smoking Policy Memo to Employees: Sample

No Smoking Policy Memo

To: All Employees

From: [Your Name], [Your Position]

Date: [Current Date]

Subject: No Smoking Policy

Dear Team,

We are committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a clean and hospitable workplace, we are implementing a strict No Smoking Policy.

Policy Details:

No Smoking Areas:

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within all indoor areas of the company premises, including but not limited to, offices, restrooms, conference rooms, and common areas.
  • Smoking is also prohibited in company vehicles.

Designated Smoking Areas:

  • Employees who wish to smoke may do so in the designated smoking areas located [provide location details].
  • These areas are established to ensure that smoking does not affect the health and comfort of non-smoking employees.

Compliance and Enforcement:

  • Employees are expected to comply with this policy at all times during work hours.
  • Supervisors and managers are responsible for ensuring that their team members adhere to this policy.

Penalties for Non-compliance:

  • Any violation of the No Smoking Policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include a formal warning, suspension, or termination of employment, depending on the severity of the infraction.

Support for Employees Who Wish to Quit Smoking:

We understand that quitting smoking can be challenging. Therefore, we encourage employees who are interested in quitting to seek support. The company provides resources and assistance programs, including [details of cessation programs, counseling services, etc.].

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a smoke-free workplace. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

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