Special Needs Teaching Assistant Cover Letter Sample

Updated on: August 28, 2021

So you’ve seen an advertisement for your dream job. You’ve reworked your resume painstakingly to make sure that it matches the job – now you have to write a cover letter to go with it, and you’re stuck. Let’s help you out.

How to Write a Professional Cover Letter for Special Needs Teaching Assistant Position?

In a cover letter for special needs teaching assistant resume, show your compassion and enthusiasm needed for the job.

Be careful not to gush in your praise of the organization; nothing is as annoying as flattery when a hiring manager is trying to find something direct and to the point.

Just calmly state why you are interested, then match your skills to the job. What is your expertise in? Does it match the job? What is your experience? Is there a match to the job?

Talk about your accomplishments. Hiring managers love them – and they want to know what you can do for the company. 

Let’s see how a special needs teaching assistant should write their cover letter:

Special Needs Teaching Assistant Cover Letter Example

Daniel Andrew
352 N. Some Street
Rowan, NY 61021
(000) 120-5520
Daniel @ email . com

August 28, 2021

Ms. Jenna State
Human Resource Manager
MacBride School for Special Children
56 Royden Street
Rowan, NY 65789

Dear Ms. State:

For many years I have heard favorably of the MacBride School for Special Children, and I have long wanted to work there. Imagine my excitement when I came across your advertisement for a Special Needs Teaching Assistant; I am excited at the opportunity to apply.

My core expertise lies in designing special educational programs for children and implementing them successfully. I set goals and develop a curriculum that is best suited to each child. Since this is what you have asked for in the advertisement, I believe that the school can benefit from my knowledge and experience. Please refer to the following qualifications that I offer:

• Proven communication skills with great ability to communicate with children with special needs.
• Documented success in working one-on-one with each child to understand his or her specific needs, so that special education can have the most benefit possible.
• Demonstrated ability to motivate students and encourage them to give the confidence needed to attempt day to day tasks.

I would like to meet with you to discuss my suitability and your needs for the job. I shall call your office on Thursday to ask when would be a good time for you. In the meantime, you can reach me at (000) 120-5520.

Thank you for your kindness in reading my letter.


Daniel Andrew
(000) 120-5520

Enc: Resume