Teacher Motivation Letter Sample

Updated on: November 23, 2021

A teacher’s letter of motivation is not much different from a standard cover letter.

It is usually written to apply for a university program, a job with a non-profit organization, or volunteer work.

You can also use a letter of motivation when applying for a regular job such as teaching or front desk work, especially if you are unsure of an opening – in that way, a motivation letter can also be compared to a letter of interest.

Once you are done providing a solid overview of what motivated you to want to work for a certain company, you should move on to something more important – proofreading.

Yes, proofreading your letter is very important so that you do not come across as someone who is careless. Use this checklist:

  • Did I mention clearly which position I am interested in?
  • Was I clear enough about why I was motivated to work at the said position?
  • Did I provide a clear overview of who I am and what I can do?
  • Have I checked and fixed errors such as syntax, grammar, and spellings on my motivation letter?

If you have checked all of these, you are good to go. Looking for an example? Here is one for a teaching job:

Sample Motivation Letter for Teacher Job

Sarah Donald
(000) 111-1111
sarah @ email . com

November 23, 2021

Ms. Sandra Baker
Mater Grove Academy
90 Stadler Street
La Mesa, CA 02352

Dear Ms. Baker:

I would like to contribute to Mater Grove Academy in the role of a Teacher as I meet all the requirements of the position. I am enclosing my resume and copies of teacher training certificates with this letter of motivation.

I have extensive experience in imparting lessons and developing curriculum and teaching materials. I have a special talent for handling adverse situations within a classroom environment using tact and diplomacy. At my previous place of employment, I was responsible for introducing a series of activities-based learning sessions, which increased student interest and resulted in 85% of students scoring A’s as opposed to the previous 26%. I am eager to bring this talent to Mater Grove Academy.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions regarding my application, please feel free to call me at (000) 111-1111.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Sarah Donald

Enc: Resume and Copies of Teaching Certificates